Plantar fasciitis treatment in Hyderabad | Dr. Praharsha Mulpur
Many people experience heel pain. One of the common causes of heel pain is plantar fasciitis. It is due to the inflammation of a thick band of tissue called the plantar fascia. This tissue connects the heel bone to the toes. It runs across the bottom of each foot.
Plantar Fasciitis Causes
Plantar Fasciitis meaning: The thick band of connective tissue that runs across the bottom of each foot is known as fascia. It connects the heel bone to the base of the toes. It works like a shock absorber by supporting the arch of the foot and absorbing the load while walking.
Repeated stress and tension exert pressure on the tissue (fascia) and cause small tears. When these small tears expand and stretch repeatedly, they get damaged further. This may lead to irritation and inflammation of the fascia. However, in a majority of the cases of plantar fasciitis, the cause either remains unknown or is poorly understood.
Plantar Fasciitis Symptoms
Plantar Fasciitis Pain: People who develop this condition experience severe pain near the heel and in the sole (bottom) of the foot. They feel the worst pain early in the morning when they wake up and take the first few steps. They also feel pain after getting up from a sitting position. Standing for a long period of time can also trigger pain. The pain slows down and becomes less severe as a person gets up and begins to move.
Plantar Fasciitis Treatment in Hyderabad
Home care and lifestyle changes such as avoiding the activities that cause pain are helpful. Many people feel better and recover from planar fasciitis after a few months of conservative approaches such as stretching, applying ice packs, and modifying their activities. Pain medicines help in relieving pain and inflammation.
Plantar Fasciitis Exercises
Taking the help from a professional physical therapist can help in managing the condition better with a faster recovery. You can learn different exercises to strengthen the Achilles tendon and plantar fascia. Exercises also help strengthen your lower leg muscles. Your therapist will also teach you the use of taping to support the bottom of your foot.
Custom-fitted arch supports (orthotics) help in the even distribution of pressure on the feet. Your Orthopedic doctor may prescribe such off-the-shelf products. Similarly, your doctor may also recommend you wear a splint. It will help in holding the Achilles tendon and plantar fascia in a lengthened position and promote stretching while you sleep. To help reduce strain and pressure on your affected foot your orthopedic doctor may recommend using crutches, canes, or boots for a brief period of time.
Plantar Fasciitis Treatment in Hyderabad (Surgery)
Your orthopedic doctor may recommend the following therapies if the above measures fail to provide any relief: Steroid injections (the use would be limited) and PRP therapy; ultrasound tissue repair and extracorporeal shock wave therapy. Surgery may be recommended only in a few failed cases of conservative treatment and also when the pain becomes chronic.
Bottom line
Many people tend to ignore plantar fasciitis. Overweight people and runners are prone to this condition although why it occurs in some people is still not understood completely. Anyway, if you have this condition, you should never ignore it as it may lead to severe heel pain. You may not be able to perform your regular activities if you develop chronic heel pain. However, if you try to avoid pain, you may tend to walk differently by making changes to your foot position. When you try to change your walking style and foot position while walking, you are at risk of developing knee, back, and hip problems.
To know more about all the possible treatment modalities and the most effective Plantar Fasciitis Treatment in Hyderabad, consult Dr. Praharshamulpur.